    Database Management System

An object oriented database management
System(OODBMS),sometimes shortened to ODBMS  for object database management system,is a database management system that supports the modelling and creation of data as objects.

This includes some kind of support for classes of object and the inheritance of class properties and methods by subclasses and their objects. There is currently no widely agreed-upon standard for what constitutes an OODBMS,and OODBMS product is considered to be still in their infancy.

An object-oriented database interface standard is being developed by an industry group,The object data management group(OBMG).the OMG has already standardized and object-oriented data brokering interface between Systems in  a network .

An OODBMS can also defines like this-

 OODBMS     = (OOP concept ) + (database concept)


OODBS must satisfy two criteria:-

1-it should be DBMS

 The First criterion translates into five features-
(a) Persistence        (b) secondary storage management
 (c) Concurrency      (d) recovery
 (e) Ad-Hoc query facility.

2-it should an object-oriented system

Second one translates into eight features:-

A-complex object         B-object identity
C-Encapsulation          D- types or classes
E-Inheritence               F-overriding combined with late binding
G-Extensibility             H- computational completeness

         Architecture of OODBMS

The OODBMS has been existence now for nearly 2 decades.in The beginning,there was a great expectation that the  OODBMS would replace the  RDBMS as the database of choice for future application.
The great expectations have not come down to fruition and it is an assertion in this pa  paper that one of the major reasons for this comes down to OODBMS architecture

    An evaluation of OODBMS  must analysis in four areas:-

            1-   functionality       2-usability
           3-  platform             4-performance                   

                Applications of OODBMS

1- object identification
 2-object sate definition
3-object relationships ,identification
 4-object behavior identification
 5- object classification

Advantage of OODBMS:-

1-Composite object and relationship
2-Class hierarchy
3-Circumventing the need of query language
4-No impedence mismatch
5-No primary keys
6-One data model1



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