Purpose of life

Purpose of Life Purpose is most influential word of each and every person but most of the people do'nt know about ,what is the purchase of their life?, and how it could be found and what is the way by which they can achieve that purpose. According to me a person have only three types of life 1-life of survival- In this life person continue to live or after to difficult or dangerouse situation,in this lifestyle people are only adjust day to day expense they can't live and can't die 2-life of success- In this life style person think about him self with very sincearly and work hard and achieved his goal whatever he wants .But only that person grow with his family. Nothing think about other people of society eg... Singer,dancer ,sport person because they can't make any one like they are 3-life of significance- This is the most important and valuable life style ,because in this life person achieved his all dreams a...