
The Psychology of Money (Vitamin "M")

The Psychology of Money    Vitamin "M" :-Most Important Things In this world according to my observation till now that is Vitamin "M "  I know you all are aware about a lots of vitamin like A,B,E,.....but I am here to talking about that most important vitamin without this  all vitamin are use less  so what is that ?that is Vitamin M (money) so here I just completed  a Book "The Psychology of Money "  written By  'James Clear  ' in which what I learnt some key point  of this book. I will  discuss with you all that why you can save your time no need to read all book so I m here to save your time lets go through that summary of the book  1-Go out of your way to Find humility when things are going right and forgiveness/compassion when they go wrong :- Because its never as good or as bad as it looks .The world is big enough to understand and learns so luck and risk both are hard to identify .Respect the power of  both risk and...

Difference Between Data Warehousing and Data Lake

   Difference Between Data warehousing and Data Lake   The difference between the two most popular options for storing big data but according to the nature of data both have some important differences also so first understand it individually after that we will also know the differences.   Data Warehouse: - A  data warehouse is a repository for structured, filtered data that                                     has already been processed for a specific purpose .   Data Lake :- The data  lake is a vast pool of raw data, the purpose for which is not yet defined.  Difference:-   Data lakes store data from a wide variety of sources like IoT devices, real-time social media streams, users, and web application transactions. Sometimes this data is structured, but often, it’s quite messy because data is being ingested straight from the data source. Dat...

Purpose of life

  Purpose of Life Purpose is most  influential word of each and every person but most of the people do'nt know about ,what is the purchase of their life?, and how it could be found and what is the way by which they  can achieve that purpose. According to me a person have only three types of life 1-life of survival-  In this life person continue to live or after to difficult or dangerouse situation,in this lifestyle people are only adjust day to day expense they can't live and can't die 2-life of success- In this  life style person think about him self with very sincearly and work hard and achieved his goal whatever he wants .But only that person grow with his family. Nothing think about other people of society  eg... Singer,dancer ,sport person because they can't make any one like they are 3-life of significance- This is the most important and valuable life style ,because in this life person achieved his all dreams a...

evolution of DOM

                                                                Evolution of DOM The document object model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with object in HTML, XML,XHTML,and XML document. The nodes of every document are organized as tree structure, called the DOM tree. Object in Dom tree may be addressed and manipulated by using method on object. The public interface of DOM is specify in his its application programing interface (API)   The history of DOM:- The history of the document object model is intertwined with the history of the ‘brows wars ‘of the the late 1990 between Netscape Navigato...